We woke this morning to the sound of strong winds and singing birds. Tita had our breakfast ready early this morning. We were off to the clinic in Guarari soon after. Dr. Vargas told us about how the newest generation of women are gaining equality in society. Costa Rica has many aspects of their society that we should aspire to. The are environmentally conscious and peaceful.

The women who are studying to become physicians are currently out numbering men at the universities. The reasoning behind this transition was explained as women being able to share empathy with the patients. As nurses we understand the need to show empathy.
Our patients have made a significant impact on our lives. We try to make the greatest improvements in each patient's life even though we only have a short amount time to spend with them. We are able to perform our assessments and initiate a small amount of teaching with each encounter. The doctors understand the limited access that the patients in the clinics have to healthcare. They explained many holistic measures patients can take to help with their medical issues as part of their treatment. The amount we learn from each patient is so much more. They teach us to appreciate our lives, as they are so precious.

We focus so strongly on our goals in life. If one small thing takes us off of our course, it puts us in distress. We are learning to live life in the present and to let the moments that we experience help guide us in our journeys.
We do not just provide medications, we provide hope and care. We are spiritual servants. We are here to help, this is meaningful.
Our night was full of pride and emotion as we each shared the highest point of the day, the lowest point of the day, and what we are looking forward to. Moments experienced on this trip have different meanings for each of us. We are enjoying our time in the communities and we are looking forward to the experiences that lie ahead.
bueƱos noches family and friends.
Thank you for sharing <3