Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stephanie Martin

Hello! I'm am Stephanie Martin a 2nd semester Junior here at the University of Maine. I am super excited that this trip has become a reality! Global health is one of my main interests in nursing. I have been to Mexico on a missions trip, Guatemala to visit my uncle who is a missionary, and to Honduras this past May on an orthopedic surgery trip. These experiences have planted in me a love for travel and providing health care to countries in need. I am excited for those going on the trip who have never experienced medical service trip. This is a great way to serve those in need and broaden cultural awareness. Thank you for interest and support!


  1. This is going to be a highlight of my nursing career - I look forward to getting to know everyone better and working with you amazing students in Belize

  2. Hello Everyone - I am Susan Wheaton, I will be traveling with these wonderful nursing students as their faculty leader. They are all leaders in the nursing profession and leaders here at the UM school of nursing. I am honored and humbled to be part of such as great experience and team. We'll post pictures soon of our team -
